In my news on my Welcome page last week I told you there are going to be more books in the Home Front Girls series, so here is a little taster for you.
Above are the covers of the first three, of which Christmas for the Home Front Girls will be published at the end of September. I have signed a contract to write two more, which will both be published in 2025. Please note - they aren't available for pre-ordering yet.
I don't want to sound mysterious but I can't share the titles just yet, as they have still to be confirmed. What I can tell you is that the viewpoint characters for book 4 will be Sally, Lorna - and Deborah, Sally's friend whom you have already met. It's interesting to see the world through Deborah's eyes. Book 4 also introduces a new resident to Star House and I hope you'll enjoy getting to know her as well.
You may like to know that I have already finished writing book 4. I'm having to be very careful how much I say about it here, because book 3 hasn't been published yet and I don't want to give anything away!
As for book 5, well, Sally and Deborah will be viewpoint characters - and I'm hoping that dear Betty, who is so popular with the readers, will be the third viewpoint person, but that all depends on discussions with my editor.
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Link to The Home Front Girls series page at Amazon.
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