Welcome to Susanna Bavin's Website.



I am a saga writer living on the beautiful North Wales coast, but I am originally from Manchester, which is where my books are set.


I am represented by Camilla Shestopal of Shesto Literary.


I also write as Polly Heron and as Maisie Thomas. I am on Facebook as Maisie.





Latest News:


I have finished proofreading my next Maisie Thomas book, A New Home at the Wartime Hotel. The next time I see the book, it'll be the real thing - a physical book - not on the computer screen any more! I can't wait!


I'm also coming towards the end of writing the fifth Home Front Girls book, which comes out in September.


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I recently received my PLR information for the year July 2023 to June 2024. PLR stands for Public Lending Right, and it is the system whereby authors and audiobook narrators are paid for each loan from the public library. You have to enter all your books into a huge database - and not just each title, but each edition - so, hardback, paperback, large print, audio CD, audio MP3, e-book and e-audio - I think that's the lot!


This means it can take a little while to go through all the information about the loans. When I've sorted mine out, I'll let you know which of my books, in which editions, were the most borrowed.


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I'm thrilled to show you the cover of my new book written as Maisie Thomas - A New Home at the Wartime Hotel.


To read the blurb, please visit my blog.


A New Home at the Wartime Hotel will be published on March 27th. You can pre-order the Kindle version here and the paperback here.


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Huge thanks to everyone who has already pre-ordered A Wedding for the Home Front Girls. If you haven't, the Kindle version can be pre-ordered through this link: https://geni.us/B0DPHVQWB3cover  


The book will also be available in paperback, but that can't be pre-ordered yet. I'll let you know when it can be.



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My Blog


In this week's blog, I'm delighted to share my review of Tania Crosse's new book, The Butterfly Girl.



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The Home Front Girls series is set in and around a salvage depot, so in this blog, I take a look at salvage - what we would today call recycling - on the Home Front in the Second World War. 





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Susanna Bavin Sagas




I have written four stand-alone sagas:


The Deserter's Daughter and A Respectable Woman, both set in the 1920s; The Sewing Room Girl, a Victorian saga; and The Poor Relation, which is set in Edwardian times.


The Deserter's Daughter is available on Kindle Unlimited.



I am currently writing a Second World War saga series called the Home Front Girls, of which the first two books - The Home Front Girls and Courage for the Home Front Girls - have so far been published. Both titles are on Kindle Unlimited.


Book 3, Christmas for the Home Front Girls, was published on September 30th.


You can order it here.



Link to my author page on Amazon.





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Writing as Polly Heron.


As Polly Heron, I write The Surplus Girls 1920s saga series about young women striving for independence after the Great War.


Who were the Surplus Girls? h

Surplus girls were that generation of young woman who, because of the loss of life on the battlefields of the First World War, missed out on the opportunity to marry - which was, of course, seen as the purpose of a woman's life at that time. Instead, they suddenly found themselves in the position of having to support themselves for a lifetime, and without the necessary education and training behind them.


The four Surplus Girls novels in order are:

The Surplus Girls

The Surplus Girls' Orphans

Christmas with the Surplus Girls

New Beginnings for the Surplus Girls


Books 1 and 2, The Surplus Girls and The Surplus Girls' Orphans, are both available on Kindle Unlimited.



The first three Surplus Girls books are also available in a single volume on Kindle.



For further information about the background to the series, and also to find out about the wonderful bookcovers, visit my Polly Heron website.



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Writing as Maisie Thomas


As Maisie Thomas I write The Railway Girls saga series about the brave women and girls working on Britain's railways during the Second World War from early in 1940 until D Day in June 1944.


Here is the link to my Maisie page on Amazon.



The Railway Girls in order are:

1. The Railway Girls

2. Secrets of the Railway Girls

3. The Railway Girls in Love

4. Christmas with the Railway Girls

5. Hope for the Railway Girls

6. A Christmas Miracle for the Railway Girls

7. Courage of the Railway Girls

8. Christmas Wishes for the Railway Girls

9. Springtime with the Railway Girls



To read the blurbs and see the bookcovers, please click on the Maisie Thomas Books tab over on the left.





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Finding me online:


Here are my Amazon author pages for me writing as Susanna and as Polly and Maisie.   


And here is my Twitter link for Susanna - and here are Polly's and Maisie's.


Here is my Polly Heron website, with lots more information about the Surplus Girls series.


And you can find me on Facebook on my Maisie Thomas author page for the latest information about all my books - Susanna's and Polly's as well as Maisie's. I also share snippets I've found in my research as well as other things I hope my readers will enjoy. As a community, every weekend we share what we're currently reading. We're a friendly lot, so do join us!


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A Selection of Popular Blogse take a look at my latest blog to find ways to order Springtime with the Railw

In this blog, I wrote about choosing names for book-characters and what happens when names are too similar.


And in this blog I'm following the same theme of names. Here, you can find out what happened when changing a character's name involved creating a whole new person.


Have you ever wondered about all the work done on the Home Front to keep people safe? In an earlier blog, I take a look at the work of the ARP - Air Raid Precautions. You may not realise the large number of different and very important jobs this covered. I hope you'll enjoy my blog on the subject.


In an earlier blog, I explain something of the planning process that lay behind The Surplus Girls series; and also take a close look at Belinda, the heroine of book 1.


Click here to see the blog.


In a very popular blog, I looked at a Railway Girls character who captured readers' hearts from the moment she first appeared on the page.


To read about lovely Dot Green, click here.


And here is another very popular Railway Girls blog - this time concentrating on Joan. Click here.

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A Look at My Bookshelves:


These are some of the books that help me write my books.


The history of costume has been a great interest of mine for many years and here are some of the books that I refer to not just when I'm writing but also for pleasure.


This dictionary of words that entered the language in the 20th Century has been invaluable to me.


These are the railway books that have helped me write the Railway Girls series.


Here are some of my Second World War books:




This cookery book - which a present to me on my 21st birthday - has proved invaluable as a reference tool.


Here are some of the books that helped provide meals in my Railway Girls books and Home Front Girls books.


Sometimes a couple of sentences is all it takes. A couple of lines from this book of oral history ended up inspiring a whole chapter of The Railway Girls in Love. (If you're wondering, it's the chapter involving the incendiary and the dustbin lid.)



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Living by the sea:


I love living in Llandudno. We've been here for eleven years now, but that "Wow! We really live here," feeling never goes away.


Take a look at some of my favourite photos by clicking on the Llandudno tab.