The Kindness of Writers

Posted on 21st March, 2015


One of the joys of teaching is the support given by other teachers. In my years of teaching, I never came across a colleague who, when asked for advice or ideas, didn't immediately want to help.


And you know what? Writers are the same - as I have found out in the last week or so.


While preparing to approach agents with my finished book, I have received help from several fellow writers.


Jen Gilroy has generously provided guidance and shared her own experiences.


Three of my fellow LLs from Twitter (that's the Literary Lovelies), Moira Please, Karen Coles and Christina Banach, gave my updated website the once-over and offered feedback. They all made the same somment about the welcome page - talk about great minds!


And at our meeting on Thursday, Jacqueline Farrell and Lizzie Gates, the other two thirds of the RNA Wirral & North Wales Chapter, reviewed the submission letter and the synopsis.


Many thanks to all of them for their interest and support. I now need to do some final polishing and I will be hitting the 'send' button soon.


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Looking forward to hearing how you get on when you send your book out. All the very best. Soon, we'll see your work in print!
It was a pleasure to cheer you on through NaNoWriMo, Jan, and I enjoy you blog too. I'm delighted to think I have supported you. Thanks for the good wishes.
Your support over the last few months has been much appreciated, Sue, and I'm pleased to hear that you have been receiving such great support from fellow writers. Well deserved. Good luck with pressing that 'send' button!
Thanks for your comments, Wendy and Sally. We're lucky to be part of such a generous community.
Agreed. All the writers I've come across are always helpful and generous with their advice. Even though, at the end of the day, we are all competing with one another! Let's give ourselves a pat on the back.
I don't know what we'd do without the help of other writers - they are so generous.
You're right, Jen - it is a way of 'paying it forward.' I hope I'll get the chance to do it in my turn. Thanks as always for dropping by.
Pleased I've been able to help, Susanna. Wishing you all good luck with the final polishing and, of course, after you hit that all important 'send' button.

Yes, the writing community is so kind and generous and, from what I've experienced, exemplifies the idea of 'paying it forward.' xx
Thank you, Cathy. That's very kind of you.
Lovely to hear that you're almost ready to hit the 'send' button and very good luck to you.