And The Oscar Goes To... Yes, It Felt THAT Good.

Posted on 17th November, 2017

Sorry, but this week's blog is going to be devoted to me showing off.


If you have a passing acquaintance with my website, or if you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed that the audio version of The Deserter's Daughter, read by Julia Franklin, was released on November 1st.


Well, when I received my copy of Isis Sounding's quarterly magazine, Audio Update, guess what was on the front cover...


In the general overview of the season's new releases, it not only introduced The Deserter's Daughter, but went on to say: "We're looking forward to her second novel, A Respectable Woman, next year as well." Wow!


Not only that, but when I looked inside at the sagas page, my book - my book! - had been given top billing.


It was such an honour. I felt like I had won an Oscar.


Sorry about the showing off, but I'm sure you can understand. I hope you've had a great week too.


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Congratulations, Sue. This is so well deserved. You know how much I loved ‘The Deserter’s Daughter’ so I’m not surprised it got the top spot! 🙂📚
Thank you for your kind words, Jen, as well as your on-going support. I love the idea of people listening to The Deserter's Daughter. I was thrilled when I was told that Julia Franklin would be my reader, as she has been among my favourite audiobook readers for some years.
What lovely news, Susanna. Such a wonderful surprise for you and, of course, you had to share it here so we can all congratulate you! I'm delighted for you, as well as all the lucky listeners who will discover your wonderful book for the first time through the audio version. xx
Thank you, Jessica. How kind of you to say. I 'm so proud - I simply had to share.
You deserve to boast! What an amazing achievement, Susanna. So pleased for you.
Jessica x
Hi, Julie. I'm glad you enjoyed The Deserter's Daughter so much. I hope A Respectable Woman will live up to expectations! As for the audio book cover - isn't it gorgeous? I love it.
How wonderful Susanna - the book was such a good read and I'm also looking forward to the next one. I like the audiobook 'cover'.
Jane, Catherine, Karen and Kirsten - thank you all for your kind words about The Deserter's Daughter and for sharing my excitement. Your support throughout has made all the difference to me. LLs rock!
Oh Sue - how lovely! I'm so happy for you. And - as others have said - richly deserved. It's a fab book xx
Wow! Susanna. That is so well-deserved. Not at all surprised The Deserter's Daughter had top billing. It's a terrific book xx
Congr5very well deserved it is a fabulous book
Fab and well deserved, Susanna. I'm looking forward to your next book too.
Thank you, Louise. That is sweet of you. xx
I don't think it is showing off at all. It is lovely news and you must have been bowled over. Well done!