More Christmas in September!

Posted on 23rd September, 2022

Well, what a frustrating morning! A blog that should have taken about fifteen minutes has so far taken an hour and twenty. Grrr!


This week I intended to show you the book promo video for A Christmas Miracle for the Railway Girls, made by the very talented Hope Butler at Penguin - but for some reason, I couldn't get it to upload.


So then I thought I'd show you the book promo video that I made to introduce the book - and guess what, that one wouldn't upload either.


So then I decided to show you all the lovely advertising pics Hope has made (social assets, they're called). Then it turned out that because I didn't download them as soon as I received them, they timed out, so I've had to ask for them to be sent again!


But I do have this one to show you, because I copied it directly from Hope's email. Isn't it lovely?




And here is the spread that will appear on Amazon:




One last thing. You may know that Penguin's online saga and historical romance community is called Penny Street. Penny Street has its own section within Amazon - and the most loooked-at author page within this section is Maisie Thomas's! Isn't that amazing? I'm so proud.


* * * *



Manchester, 1942. There are surprises in store for the railway girls this festive season...
When Cordelia's daughter Emily falls for a young chap who doesn't meet the approval of her father, Cordelia is reminded of her own first love - a love that she has never forgotten.
Mabel is determined to get to the bottom of a spate of local burglaries. Her heart is in the right place as she sets out on a quest to clear her friend's name, but there will be unforeseen consequences.
It's nothing short of a miracle when Colette returns to Manchester. But it's not going to be easy for her to keep living the life she once knew, and an impossible situation lies ahead.
There will be more than one storm for the railway girls to weather but with the friendship and support of one another, there's hope that all will be well by Christmas...


* * * *


Miracle on Amazon




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Hi Maisie,
Your new book is perfect for our Christmas celebration on Chick Lit Cafe and the holiday book buying rush. I just wanted to let you know that your book caught our eye and we are interested in reviewing it and helping you to market it. We are experts in the field since 2007. We have three websites, one a children's site, but the other two may be of interest to you.
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Take care.
Ellery Reese