Prize Draw on Facebook

Posted on 29th December, 2022

Hi, everyone. I am back at my desk after my Christmas break and I hope you have all enjoyed your festivities. I want to send warmest wishes to my readers in North America and Canada. I hope you and yours have stayed safe and well during the extraordinary weather you've had to cope with.


I wanted to let you all know about a competition that I'm holding on my Maisie Facebook page. It runs until Saturday/New Year's Eve at 3pm GMT.


I don't know of any particular reason why this has happened, but during December the page for The Poor Relation on my website has attracted loads of visitors. If you were one of those visitors, I want to say a huge thank you for your interest.
What better way to show my appreciation than by holding a prize giveaway of a copy of the book. Please note - the competition is being held on my Facebook page, and not here on blog.
To enter, all you have to do is follow my Facebook page and say "Followed" in the comments underneath the post. Then answer this question: The Poor Relation starts with Mary being unhappy at work, so please tell me what your dream job would be.
There will be other prize giveways in the coming week as we build up to publication of my latest Polly Heron book, New Beginnings for the Surplus Girls.
I hope you'll join the fun on Facebook. See you there! xx
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Manchester 1908. Attractive, intelligent MARY MAITLAND, 23, is incensed when her pompous Town Hall boss won't promote her because she is a woman. Worse, her father, who also works at the Town Hall, has known all along that she had no hope of advancement: why would she need it? It is his job to support her. Mary determines to strike out on her own. Is it possible to be a dutiful daughter and at the same time spread her wings?


She finds work at a Women's Employment Agency, run by two progressive suffragists. There, her talent for writing is encouraged and she starts writing socially-aware articles for newspapers and magazines, though she has to use a pen-name so as not to be linked to her landed, titled relations, the KIMBERS. Mary's ultra-respectable lower-middle-class parents, JOHN and LILIAN, are horrified lest she brings the name of the mighty Kimbers into disrepute, especially when she makes friends with her distant cousin, carefree CHARLIE KIMBER, the heir, who finds her independent streak and social conscience intriguing.


But Lady Kimber has other plans for Charlie. He is destined for her beautiful daughter Eleanor. When it seems that Mary Maitland - that upstart! - might thwart these plans, Lady Kimber sets out to ruin her.

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