Book-Birthday Twins!

Posted on 23rd May, 2024

This week I am delighted to welcome award-winning saga author Tania Crosse back to my blog to help her celebrate a special book-birthday. She book-birthday twins!


Here, she tells us about the books.



Book Birthday – The Harbour Master’s Daughter and The River Girl


Celebrating three years since the lovely team at JOFFE BOOKS re-released on the same day The Harbour Master’s Daughter, previously published as Morwellham’s Child, and The River Girl. These are the first two titles in my Devonshire series which now consists of ten Devon novels based on the history of west Dartmoor and the surrounding area, spanning the Victorian era through both world wars and into the 1950s.



The Harbour Master’s Daughter is set at Morwellham Quay, once the greatest copper port in the whole of Queen Victoria’s empire, and now a living history museum. In the late 1860s, however, the copper trade went into sudden devastating decline, and this is reflected in the heroine’s personal life. While the port faces ruinous changes, Rebecca’s spirit is tested to the limit as she struggles to rescue her own future. But she must find the courage to defy a vicious stranger who is intent on destroying her life and bringing the port to absolute destruction.


The River Girl is set a few years later up on the wilds of nearby Dartmoor. Trapped on her uncle’s lowly tenant farm, life is hard for Elizabeth who yearns to train as a doctor, an impossible dream for a woman in Victorian times. Besides, her uncle has other plans for her which she must fight to escape. Even the man she comes to love hides a dark, terrible secret, and both have to face their personal nemesis in the terrifying climax of the story.


If this has whetted your appetite, do pop over the my website where you will find details of all my books, including my four London and Kent novels. You can also say hello via the contact page. I’d love to hear from you! You can also follow me on Facebook @Tania Crosse Author or on Twitter/X @TaniaCrosse


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The Harbour Master’s Daughter on Amazon

The River Girl on Amazon



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