This week I am delighted to welcome Tania Crosse back to my blog to help her celebrate a book-birthday for The Convent Girl. Here's Tania to tell you about it.
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Happy 2nd Birthday to The Convent Girl
It’s hard to believe that it’s two years since Book 10 in my Devonshire series, THE CONVENT GIRL, was published, so very many thanks to Susanna for helping me celebrate! So what have I been up to in that time? Well, I’ve kept up with all Susanna’s fabulous new stories as well as reading some super books by other wonderful saga authors. After a short break, I began detailed research and then composing Book 11, THE BUTTERFLY GIRL, that’s due for release in January, but that is literally another story!
It's always so exciting when you have a new title published, no matter how many books have gone before, and it was never truer than with THE CONVENT GIRL. To my delight, it reached 45 in Kindle Store Australia, and 154 in Kindle Store UK. The story is particularly close to my heart as it begins in Ireland, based on my own mother’s upbringing in a convent. She was always full of tales from her childhood there, and I was thrilled when I had the opportunity to write some of her memories into a meaningful narrative. You will find more details in the Author’s Notes at the end of the book, but let me just say that when my mother was eleven, she was brought to England by a father she had never met and taken to live in London where she eventually lived through the Blitz. My little heroine is taken to Plymouth where she, too, endures the horrors of heavy Nazi bombings.
So let me tell you a little more about the actual story. During the 1920s, little Maisie O’Sullivan is left to be raised as a charity orphan in a Catholic convent in Ireland. Though she enjoys a happy childhood there, all she ever wants is a family of her own. But when she is twelve, her world is turned upside down by the shocking revelation that her background is not what she always believed. Uprooted from the only life she has ever known, she is transplanted against her will to Plymouth in England, where she learns that being part of a family isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be, and that friendship can be far more rewarding.
Eventually she finds happiness and even burgeoning love. But will her convent upbringing hold her back, and with the outbreak of war, what will the future hold for her and for those she holds dear? An horrific tragedy during one of the worst nights of the Plymouth Blitz leads her to commit a desperate act in the name of love and duty, but it means sacrificing her own longed for happiness. Will she be strong enough to live with the consequences?
A powerful, sweeping epic about a young Irish woman’s struggle to reconcile her religious upbringing with the outside world and the horrors of the Second World War.
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The Convent Girl on Amazon (including Kindle Unlimited)
Tania's author page on Amazon
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